Can a portion of either the BHCIP or CCE grant funds pay for additional staff or staff upgrades?
Service and staff-related expenses are not covered by the BHCIP grant. However, for CCE funds, a capitalized operating subsidy reserve (COSR) can be incorporated into the project budget to cover […]
Do facilities have to serve only pregnant/postpartum women under the age of 25 to be eligible for BHCIP Round 4?
The focus of this round of funding is children and youth, including pregnant and postpartum women, because their behavioral health affects their children. Therefore, there is no age limit on […]
If our project is multi-faceted and very large with multiple beds for different populations, can we apply for Round 4 for the whole budget or part of it?
BHCIP Round 4 is only available to fund the expansion benefiting the intended target population of children/youth for behavioral health services. If the project is scalable, you may be able […]
We do not have a site identified yet. Would our project be eligible for Round 4 without a site identified at time of submission? Part of our proposal and workplan would include identifying a site.
No, a project without an identified site does not meet the minimum threshold requirements; therefore, it is not eligible for BHCIP Round 4: Children and Youth funding. See minimum threshold […]
Can you advise if Children’s Crisis Residential Programs (CCRPs) noted in the RFA is the same as Crisis Residential Treatment?
Children’s Crisis Residential Programs are licensed by CDSS as a Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program and have a mental health program approved by DHCS. Please refer to Section 3.3 in the […]
If we have multiple departments (such as intensive outpatient hospitalization and a crisis stabilization unit) in a dedicated behavioral health building run by our hospital, would we need more than one application? If we also are planning a psychiatric emergency department in another location, could we submit this separately, even if it would mean three applications from the same organization?
Applications for BHCIP Round 4: Children and Youth grant funding are site-based. For a project with more than one department located at the same site, only one application is necessary. […]
Can you please clarify allowable projects under Round 4? The language seems to imply that facilities on K-12 school campuses (i.e., school-based health centers) are not allowable. Is that correct? But school-linked health centers (i.e., those near or next to school campuses) are allowable, so long as the funding is used to expand behavioral health services?
Yes, school-based health centers are not eligible for Round 4 funding. However, school-linked health centers, which are located off campus and have a formal operating agreement with the partnering school, […]
Is it acceptable for a county to write a letter of support for another county applying for a BHCIP grant?
Yes, it is acceptable for one county to provide another a letter of support in applying for BHCIP funds.
Is an intermediate care facility/developmentally disabled habilitative eligible for Round 4 funding?
No. The eligible facility types are adolescent residential facilities for youth with SUD, children’s crisis residential program, community mental health clinic, community treatment facility, community wellness/youth prevention center, crisis stabilization […]
Do I need to have a contract in place with the county to offer Medi-Cal services in order to apply for Round 4?
A contract with the county to offer Medi-Cal services is not needed in order to apply for Round 4. However, applicants that offer Medi-Cal behavioral health services will be expected […]