In order to fully execute a BHCIP Program Funding Agreement (PFA), how do we proceed when the awarded project only pertains to a portion of the existing property/structure in place?
BHCIP PFAs require execution of a Declaration of Restrictions (DoR) and Performance Deed of Trust (PDoT) before a sponsor can begin to draw down awarded grant funds. The DoR and […]
Is my project required to conform with CEQA guidelines, or is it exempt?
Applicants should consult with their legal counsel and applicable local agencies regarding the California Welfare and Institutions Code section 5960.3(a)(b)(c). DHCS is not responsible for determining whether an awardee qualifies […]
CCMU Tribal Vehicle Awards Announced

The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is pleased to announce the recipients of awards under the Crisis Care Mobile Units (CCMU) Tribal Behavioral Health Crisis and Non-Crisis Vehicles […]