In order to fully execute a BHCIP Program Funding Agreement (PFA), how do we proceed when the awarded project only pertains to a portion of the existing property/structure in place?
BHCIP PFAs require execution of a Declaration of Restrictions (DoR) and Performance Deed of Trust (PDoT) before a sponsor can begin to draw down awarded grant funds. The DoR and […]
Is my project required to conform with CEQA guidelines, or is it exempt?
Applicants should consult with their legal counsel and applicable local agencies regarding the California Welfare and Institutions Code section 5960.3(a)(b)(c). DHCS is not responsible for determining whether an awardee qualifies […]
Are we able to get reimbursed for expenses already accrued and paid, such as architectural fees.
“Upon successful execution of Program Funding Agreement, and all required documents and certifications, AHP shall disburse the Program Funds to the Sponsor for the amount of any reasonable, actual, and […]
Can a facility based in a correctional setting apply for BHCIP or CCE funds?
No. Correctional settings are not eligible for funding under either BHCIP Round 3: Launch Ready or CCE Capital Expansion funding.
If we are including the costs of property acquisition in our budget, do we need to provide a certified appraisal of the property at this time? Who pays for the certified appraisal?
A certified appraisal of the property is required at the time of the award application if you are using land as the source of your match or if you are […]
Will there be a BHCIP Round 3: Launch Ready Part 2?
DHCS received a total of 148 applications requesting more than $2 billion in Round 3: Launch Ready funding before the Part 1 deadline and will share award announcements in June. […]
Will AHP be providing feedback to applicants on their BHCIP Round 3 part 1 applications? If so, what is the timeline for providing feedback?
Unfortunately, we are not able to provide individual feedback on applications.
What counts as matching funds?
Match in the form of cash and in-kind contributions—such as equity amount in land and existing structures—to the real costs previously incurred by the project will be allowed. Cash is the […]
Are facilities that provide Short-Doyle mental health services eligible for BHCIP funding? Our facility serves individuals who may not be able to be on Medi-Cal because of immigration status, for example.
Please ensure your facility is on the list of eligible facilities listed in the RFA. Eligible facilities must also provide behavioral health Medi-Cal services and have a contract with their […]
Does the pre-application consultation determine whether we are “launch ready ”?
In preparation for the pre-application consultation, you will be asked to complete a survey that will allow your designated implementation specialist to help determine whether your project is launch ready.