Round 4: Children and Youth

Frequently Asked Questions

Featured Questions and How to Use the FAQ

Questions and answers are grouped by funding opportunity. All responses are labeled either Round 3: Launch Ready Joint RFA, Round 4: Children & Youth, Round 5: Crisis and Behavioral Health Continuum, or Bond BHCIP Round 1: Launch Ready. This compilation is updated periodically.

Round 4: Children and Youth Questions

Can these funds be used to build professional parent housing for intensive services and therapeutic foster care?

No. the facilities to be funded in BHCIP Round 4: Children and Youth are listed in the Program Update.

Our facility provides substance use disorder treatment for all ages, with a large percentage of 18- to 24-year-olds. Are we eligible to apply for BHCIP Round 4 funding?

Yes. BHCIP Round 4 will only fund facility expansion projects for youth age 25 and younger. The application must clearly explain how the infrastructure project will expand services for youth age 25 and younger exclusively.

Will there be funding for pre-development activities, such as feasibility studies, environmental impact studies, and engineering plans?

Funding for pre-development activities is included in the overall budget for the proposed project. Pre-development activities may include but are not limited to funds to hire an architect to draw construction plans, working with a financial advisor to develop a business plan, and other activities required to reach the minimum threshold for project readiness.

For Round 4, would a mental health rehabilitation center serving TAY be an eligible use of funds?

No. The eligible facilities to be funded in BHCIP Round 4: Children and Youth include the following: community mental health clinics, community treatment facilities, community wellness/prevention centers, outpatient treatment for SUD, school-linked health centers, adolescent residential treatment facilities for youth with SUD, children’s crisis residential programs, crisis stabilization units, perinatal residential SUD facilities, psychiatric acute care hospitals, psychiatric health facilities, and short-term residential therapeutic programs.

Can the BHCIP Children and Youth funds be used for the purchase of a building for transitional housing programming or permanent supportive housing for youth ages 18 through 25?

No. The facilities to be funded in BHCIP Round 4 Children and Youth are specific to the expansion of behavioral health services in community mental health clinics, community treatment facilities, community wellness/prevention centers, outpatient treatment for SUD, school linked health centers, adolescent residential treatment facilities for youth with SUD, children’s crisis residential programs, crisis stabilization units, perinatal residential SUD facilities, psychiatric acute care hospitals, psychiatric health facilities, and short-term residential therapeutic programs.

How will funds for Round 4 be released to awardees? Will they be given reimbursement as they expend funds or will funds be released immediately and proof of expenditure to be submitted later?

Disbursement of funds will follow a standard 30-day draw period and 45-day payment cycle for work completed. The grantee will submit to the draw authority invoices for work completed over the previous 30 days. The draw authority will review the draw request, approve the invoices for work completed, and issue approval for disbursement of funds to the grantee. Subsequent funding for construction will be released following site inspections and once draw requests for work completed and invoices have been submitted for the previous 30-day period.

We are a behavioral health care organization for children and youth and applied for BHCIP Launch Ready funds. Should we also apply for Youth and Children funds, or will DHCS consider our application in the round in which it fits best?

BHCIP Round 4 Children and Youth is a separate and distinct application from Round 3 Launch Ready. Applicants who are not awarded funding in Round 3 are encouraged to apply for Round 4 if their proposal will expand behavioral health services for children and youth age 25 and younger and/or pregnant/postpartum women and their children.

Are private (not nonprofit or nongovernmental) organizations eligible to apply for BHCIP Children and Youth grants?

Yes. For-profit organizations and other private organizations—including private real estate developers—whose projects reflect the state priorities are eligible to apply for these funds.

When is the application due?

The completed application and budget, along with all required attachments, are due no later than August 31, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. PT.