Real Estate Technical Assistance Resource Library

Below you will find resources specific to Real Estate Development planning. This page will continue to grow as new resources for applicants and grantees are added. For additional templates related to planning and budgeting, visit the Attachments and Forms section on the Joint RFA page. Visit our FAQ Library 

Overview: Lien Waivers

The Lien Waiver and Proof of Payment webinar, presented August 1, 2024, provides detailed information about the requirements for a complete BHCIP draw request package, with a specific focus on lien waivers and proof of payment.

Overview: End of Construction

The End of Construction webinar, held September 17, 2024, focuses on BHCIP program requirements and real estate development best practices relating to the end of construction, including the closeout timeline, as well as PFA Article 4.3 compliance requirements and final certifications.

Phase 1

During the first phase of real estate development, you will identify the facility’s big-picture needs, such as the goals that will be achieved by building the structure and the people and businesses that will benefit from it when finished, determine the costs and potential barriers, and identify solutions to bring your vision to life.

Related Resources

Obtain the supplemental guide and other information in the resources linked below.

Phase 1 Guide: Concept Planning, Feasibility, and Due Diligence
View and download our Phase 1 Guide to review concept planning, feasibility and due diligence
Site Selection and Working with Stakeholders

In A Guide to Successful Siting Strategies: Ensuring Delivery of Mental Health Services and Supportive Housing in Community Settings, the County of Los Angeles Department of Mental Health provides helpful information on identifying and building relationships with stakeholders.

Feasibility Studies
Business Plans

The U.S. Small Business Administration’s Write Your Business Plan webpage provides helpful information and templates

Due Diligence
Development Team Roles

Learn more about the differences in responsibility between the architect and construction manager in this infographic, Architecture & Construction Management: From the Ground Up, produced by the New School of Architecture and Design.

Site Control

In Establishing Site Control, the Corporation for Supportive Housing provides a brief overview of the different forms of site control and negotiating a purchase agreement.

Site Programming
  • The Whole Building Design Guide, a web-based portal developed by the National Institute of Building Sciences and supported by government agencies and industry partners, provides straightforward guidance about site programming on its Architectural Programming page.
  • In The Visioning Process: Collaboration Is Crucial to Success, a Massachusetts-based architectural firm provides an overview of the visioning and site programming process.

Phase 2

In Phase 2, you will bring the work completed in Phase 1 to life in schematic drawings (SDs). Generally, you will be laying groundwork and developing your overall approach to the project. This phase includes financial planning activities, obtaining initial approval of your building plans, and ongoing stakeholder relationship-building to create excitement and support for your project.

Related Resources

Obtain the supplemental guide and other information in the resources linked below.

Phase 2 Guide: Pre-Development Design
View and download out Phase 2 Guide, which discusses pre-development design.
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

Resources for understanding and implementing CEQA are available at the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research website.

LEED Certification
Prevailing Wages

The California Department of Industrial Relations publishes information on prevailing wage requirements.

Schematic Design

The AIA Schematic Design Checklist is produced by the American Institute of Architects (AIA).

Sustainability and Green Building
  • CalRecycle publishes green building resources in California on its website with emphasis on recycling that includes toolkits, building manuals, and other related publications.
  • The Green Globes™ rating system is a green building management tool that includes an assessment protocol, rating system, and guide for integrating environmentally friendly design into commercial buildings. Green Globes™ can also facilitate recognition of the building project through third-party verification. There are many rating systems and green building assessment tools. For further information, please refer to the links below.

Get started: Your Development Team

The most important thing you can do to get started is to learn who you need, how you find them, and when to hire them! Learn more in the following video. The Guide to Building Your Real Estate Development Team, available in the Related Resources section, provides additional details.

Related Resources

Obtain the supplemental guide and other information in the resources linked below.

Guide to Building Your Real Estate Development Team
General Roles and Responsibilities

Construction Project Team: Roles and Responsibilities of 9 Key Positions explores typical construction project team roles and responsibilities that are found on successful projects, as well as required experience levels.

Team Building Strategies
  • UC Berkeley provides expertise on team building in the article Steps to Building an Effective Team, and emphasizes that the most effective team leaders build relationships out of trust and loyalty.
  • In Important Steps When Building a New Team, MIT’s Human Resources department outlines essential measures when forming a new team and provides guidance for existing teams interested in assessing format and effectiveness.
Real Estate Attorney
Construction Manager
  • In this article, examines ways to find great construction manager candidates and choose the right company to hire: How to Hire a Construction Manager
  • The Predictive Index developed How to Hire a Top-Performing Construction Manager as a four-part guide to hiring a top-notch project manager to avoiding safety incidents, overspending, and delays in production.
  • Building Advisor’s Hiring a Construction Manager answers the questions: How do you recommend paying a project manager: a percentage of the building cost or a daily or hourly rate? And what would the rate be?
  • The Consumer’s Guide to Hiring an Architect by the California Architects Board provides detailed information about hiring licensed architects, managing the project, and methods to address concerns or disagreements.
  • How to Hire the Right Architect for Your Project is published by AIA Minnesota, a Society of The American Institute of Architects, and helps consumers learn how to hire (and work) with an architect, as well as what to expect in the building process.
  • In How to Hire an Architect, SCGWest recommends considering several things when hiring an architect to operate as efficiently as possible and give your customers an experience that keeps them coming back.
  • The AIA Contract Documents training and resource library offers free articles, videos, and training tools related to planning and construction.

Overview: The Real Estate Development Process

Now it’s time to figure out the big picture! The following video will provide a solid foundation. A detailed overview guide and additional resources are available in the Related Resources section.

Related Resources

Obtain the supplemental guide and other information in the resources linked below.

Real Estate Development Process Overview
Read our guide on the real estate development process, with high level overviews about what to expect.
Key Commercial Real Estate Terms

Commercial Real Estate Terms and Definitions, NAIOP
Web version: The Commercial Real Estate Development Association (NAIOP) maintains a web-based list of industry definitions here: Commercial Real Estate Industry Terms and Definitions
Download: Download the pdf: CRE Terms and Definitions 2017

Process Overview

Development Process
In this blog post and tool, Groundworks USA discusses the complexities of the development process and presents a Development Process Map in four different formats: New Interactive Tool Helps Communities Navigate the Real Estate Development Process

Planning Guides
  • Breaking Ground: A Comprehensive Planning Guide for Health Center Projects: The Annie E. Casey Foundation and NCB Development Corporation collaborated on this manual to help health center managers navigate the development of a health center facilities project: Download the pdf: Breaking Ground- A Comprehensive Planning Guide

    Planning a Real Estate Project
    Michael McCormick’s Planning a Real Estate Project is designed to both assist organizations with defining the needs of spaces and determine whether those organizations are well poised to undertake a real estate development or relocation project.

Overview: Stakeholder Engagement and Good Neighbor Policies

How to engage, communicate with, and include the community in the development of new behavioral health and housing infrastructure. The following videos offer a thoughtful discussion of how to practice being a good neighbor, additional resources are available in the Related Resources Section.

View the slides

Related Resources

Access helpful related resources linked below.

LA County DMH Guide to Successful Sitting Strategies
Read A Guide to Successful Siting Strategies released by the County of Los Angeles Department of Mental Health.
Everyone’s Neighborhood: Addressing “Not in My Backyard” Opposition to Supportive Housing for People with Mental Health Disabilities
Advocates’ Guide to Housing & Community Development Policy

Read the Advocates’ Guide to Housing & Community Development Policy released by the National Low Income Housing Coalition.

Effective Tools for Communications and Leadership in Indian Country
  • Planning a Real Estate Project Michael McCormick’s Planning a Real Estate Project is designed to both assist organizations with defining the needs of spaces and determine whether those organizations are well poised to undertake a real estate development or relocation project.
Examples of Materials and Outreach Strategies Used in Housing Education Campaigns

This document gives examples of a wide variety of materials and outreach tools groups have used in the Bay Area to inform
communities about affordable housing. Read Examples of Materials and Outreach Strategies Used in Housing Education Campaigns.

How to Organize Successful Affordable Housing Tours

This PDF, released by the California Department of Housing and Community Development, gives suggestions gleaned from organizers of recent housing tours on how to make the most of them. Read How to Organize Successful Affordable Housing Tours

Education/Advocacy Campaigns on Affordable Housing in the Bay Area

This PDF, released by the California Department of Housing and Community Development, is a partial listing of some of the campaigns conducted by local groups. Read Education/Advocacy Campaigns on Affordable Housing in the Bay Area.

Speakers Bureau Dos and Don'ts

Read Speakers Bureau Dos and Don’ts, released by the California Department of Housing and Community Development.

What Works in Affordable Housing Education?

Read What Works in Affordable Housing Education? This PDF was released by the California Department of Housing and Community Development.

Parking Requirements Guide for Affordable Housing Developers

Read Parking Requirements Guide for Affordable Housing Developers, released by Southern California Association of Non-Profit Housing.

Housing Advocacy Catalog

The purpose of this Catalog is to assist organizations in replicating the successful public education efforts conducted by the many community development corporations, local housing coalitions and providers of affordable housing across the nation. Read the Housing Advocacy Catalog.

Behavioral Health Project Communication Toolkit

This toolkit, released by the Washington State Department, was developed as a communications resource to support jurisdictions, providers, and others in siting community-based behavioral health facilities. Read the Behavioral Health Project Communication Toolkit